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    Greetings from the Little Switzerland Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting for September 9, 2023.

    Rudy opened the meeting at Jonesy�s Restaurant in Eureka Springs at 12:13pm. He read the minutes for last month�s meeting using his phone and our club web page. Sean moved to accept the minutes as read, Walt seconded and the �I�s were unanimous, the minutes was accepted.

    Treasurer�s report by Susan:  Beginning Balance      $1,125.73
                                                         Electric for July                  -27.20
                                                         Electric August                  -27.58
                                                         Electric September           -26.84
                                                         Current Balance          $1,044.11

    Sean moved to accept the report, and Pat seconded the motion, the �I�s were unanimous, report accepted.

Old Business:

    We are hoping we will receive an I.P. address for the repeater before the next meeting.

New Business:

    Susan Whitt, a guest at the meeting brought lots of ham radio equipment in her car to see if people would like to buy some.  They were her deceased brother's.  Her friend, Chris Wright came with her to help show the equipment. 

Take a look! click --->    LOOK

    Chris also mentioned there is a tower for sale on Hwy 62 at Onyx Cave road.  It is on the South side of hwy 62.  It is 125 feet tall.

    Walt talked about things we need to get internet onto the repeater site like a wireless router.

    Rudy mentioned APRS equipment needs to be moved to the repeater site when the internet is working at the site.  We will have a report by both men at the next meeting.

    Our next club meeting will also be held at Jonesy's because the weather was so good the last 2 times and the food is good.  AND that is October 14, always the second Saturday of the month.


Submitted by Terry,  club secretary  

Attendees: ( 13 )

Susan Whitt .  .  .  .  .Guest

Jim Dunaway .  .  .  . Guest

Mary Ellen Phelps . WA6NRV

Sean Michael .  .  .  .KD0ULQ

Susan Wall .  .  .  .  . KA3MEX

Chris Wright .  .  .  .  .Guest

Cameron Dunaway . KI5JRB

Pat Dean .  .  .  .  .  .  .N6WIF

Rudy Behrens  .  .  .  .KE5MUE

A.T. Blann .  .  .Guest

Walt Phelps .  .WA6LII

Terry Dean .  .  N6WI

Reta Behrens