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The minutes of the June meeting were read by Rudy.
He moved that the minutes be accepted, and Pat seconded the motion. “I”s
were unanimous. June meeting
minutes were accepted as read.
Dues deposit
Carroll Electric
Holiday Island
Fire Department
Safe Deposit Box
Carroll Electric
Current balance
$ 1,125.73
Report unanimously accepted.
Field day on June 24 &25: We used
no generator but did use a battery.
The band conditions were poor but we did make several contacts with different
states, Montana, Connecticut, North Carolina, Texas and Missouri.
Everyone attending learned a lot of HF contesting.
There is concern about when and who will get our internet connected to our
repeater. Rodney who installed the
internet line is just not helping.
We need several Raspberry Pi’s.
Cameron has a degree in computers and so lets us encourage his help.
New Business: We need more
participation in our Thursday night 7pm net.
Scott does a very good job of being the net controller which is a
directed net. After taking all
check-ins, Scott gives us a question which we answer as he passes to each one
their chance to share their answers.
The last net had only 1 check-in.
2 things to consider:
1. Set an
alarm on your cell phone for each Thursday night 7pm net with I recommend alarms
set for 1 hour before and 10 minutes before 7pm.
Your phone should have the ability to also set a repeat set of alarms for
each following Thursdays until a specified date.
2. Notify Scott when you will not be able to check-in to
the net on a particular date.
The August club meeting will feature Scott Hawes with a presentation on APRS
(Automatic Packet Reporting System).
Bring your questions and enjoy his program.
Rudy visited Jonesy’s restaurant in Eureka Springs on the South side of
Hwy 62 across from a lumberyard. It has a private room we could use for a club
meeting. We will have our next club
meeting at Jonesy’s August 12th.
Pat Dean
Joy Hawes
Scott Hawes
K0WAV Abbi Davis |
Submitted by
Terry Dean, Secratery.