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Minutes for LSARC meeting of April 14, 2018


Meeting was brought to order by Walt W6LII, at 2:10 pm at First Christion Church, 763 Passion Play Rd.  Eureka Springs, AR.

    Minutes from the March meeting, moved to accept as read, someone else seconded, “I”s were unanimous, minutes were accepted.

    Treasurer’s report was given by Susan Wall. After utilities were paid and dues collected the new balance is $1,041.49.  someone moved to accept as read, someone else seconded, “I”s were unanimous, treasurer report was accepted.

     Old Business: 
    Rudy mentioned we need a sealant to paint the inside the our building to keep moisture out. Walt mentioned a 1” white horse hair brush would be the best to use. A work team was proposed to go to the repeater site on following Saturday, the 21st  to connect the batteries in parallel.

Address of repeater site for those not familiar is 976 CR-220 Eureka Springs, AR.  Terry’s proposal to buy the 440 repeater was turned down because that repeater can be used as stand-by if the 2 meter repeater needs repair or dies.

    New Business: 
    Field day which is the last weekend in June, 23rd and 24th for a 24 hour period.  Rudy’s car port was selected as the place to operate and we can use emergency power and set up what ever antennas we want to work with.

     The May meeting was scheduled for the 12th of May with any testing done down stairs.  Our meeting will be at 2:00pm upstairs.  There is no information about the drawing for date for our parking lot duty this year.  John Rosson, KF5WMB, is the person we can contact for news on the draying.

    Meeting closed at 2:40pm and dinner was served.


    Attendees:  (13)  John Hinkamp AB5KB, Allen Fowler KF5ROH, Lloyd Lank KD0I and Cathy Lank N0QQB, Susan Wall KA3MEX, Walt Phelps WA6LII, John Rosson KF5WMB, Rudy Behrens KE5MUE,
Gary Jones AE5VO, Peggy Warren KK5JW and C.W. Warren W5CWW, Patricia Dean N6WIF and Terry Dean N6WI


Submitted by Terry Dean, Secretary