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November club minutes for the Little Switzerland ARC,  November 11, 2017

Meeting was brought to order by Rudy Behrens at 4:32pm at First Christian Church, 763 Passion Play Rd.  Eureka Springs, AR.

Rudy read the minutes for October. Jim moved to accept as read, Susan seconded and voice vote “I”s were unanimous.

Susan gave the treasurer’s report and our ending balance was $778.65 and ending is $761.51 .
Jim moved to accept as read, John seconded, voice vote “I”s were unanimous.

Old business:

Jim. Radios are now gone from the repeater site and building cleaned up. He have a question on the rack 4’ tall, 42” by 42” by 1.5’ and wants to know what it is going to be used for.  Answer from Rudy, it will be used to stack radios and power supplies.

John reported his research on controller and power switches. 2 meter repeater uses 13.1 volts at 1 amp while transmitting and .1 amp while receiving.  40 amp “Epigate” switch with different accessories cost up to $140. cost.  Recommended that club buy the best and will not have to add accessories later. Jim moved club buy the complete device, Walt seconded, voice vote “I”s were unanimous.  West Mountain has a remote controller for shutdown of repeater.

Nominating committee did not meet and will provide a list of nominees before the December meeting.

Christmas party will be at the church December 9 in the afternoon.  Club will pay for the meat. John moved to accept, Jim seconded, voice vote “I”s unanimous.

We will try to sell the solar panels, by trying to get the selling company to take them back for refund but also check with several other people who may be interested. We still have the equipment Jack Green used to control shutting down and back on the re[eater.  And we still have excess coax running to our 440 antenna and need to remove it to possibly improve its range.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:12pm


Patricia Dean  Secretary

Attendance: (15)   Ronnie Robertson, Steve Krell KK6SQY, Jim McCarthy KC0GDV and
Pat McCarthy KD0PQM, CW Warren W5CWW and Peggy Warren KK5JW, Cliff Bailey KM4ZRZ, Rudy Behrens KE5MUE and Rita Behrens, Terry Dean N6WI, John Wall KA3MEN and Susan Wall KA3MEX, Walt Phelps WA6LII and Mary Ellen Phelps KG5NRV, Gary Jones AE5VO.


